The Wandering

Made in response to the COVID pandemic, The Wandering was an immersive, interactive pseudo-performance to be experienced by one person at a time. A creative team of dancers, painters, filmmakers, installation artists, writers, musicians, performers, and more constructed a gallery of dream-spaces that told the story of a group of strangers brought together under mysterious circumstances.


Devised by Jeremy Paul

Design/Technical Staff Katherine Nash and Marissa Green
Written by Alexa Mal, Amy Schwabauer, Jasmine A. Golphin, Jeremy Paul, Meredith L. King, and Robin E. Steele
Narrated by Alexa Mal, Amy Schwabauer, Beau Reinker, CasualBlerdist, and Julia Sosa

Featuring work by Silk Allen, Molly Andrews-Hinders, Kate Atherton, Sequoia Bostick, Naomi Columna, Connie Fu, Jasmine A. Golphin, Suhaylah Hamzah, Faye Hargate, Cassandra Harner, Devin Hinzo, Elaine Hullihen, Brianna Janae, Shatara Jordan, Janine Nicole Jones, Meredith L. King, Christine Lewis, Emily Liptow, Martinique Mims, Kayli Salzano, Julia Sosa, Rachel Torowski, Susie Underwood, Varsha Vydyula, Grace Wen, and Monique Zahir

Photo Credit Kaitlin K Walsh


Four Futures

